domingo, 23 de marzo de 2025

Salsa de la Bahia Vol. 3: Renegade Queens explores the largely untold story of the San Francisco Bay Area’s pioneering women of Latin jazz

Salsa de la Bahia Vol. 3: Renegade Queens explores the largely untold story of the San Francisco Bay Area’s pioneering women of Latin jazz

Available March 21, 2025 via Patois Records

With the first two volumes of Salsa de la Bahia, arranger and trombone maestro Wayne Wallace and filmmaker Rita Hargrave provided a detailed history of the San Francisco Bay Area’s vibrant and oft-overlooked Latin jazz scene. Track by track the albums make a powerful case that the region has nurtured a treasure trove of artists drawing on a singular blend of influences from across the Caribbean and Latin America.
Scheduled for release on Wallace’s Patois label on March 21, 2025, the double album Salsa de la Bahia Vol. 3: Renegade Queens shines a bright and necessary spotlight on the women who muscled their way into this scene with a combination of talent, commitment, imagination and moxie. From Venezuela, Cuba, Chile and Colombia to the thrumming creative hub of San Francisco’s Mission District, the album brings together a dazzling cast of artists changing the face of Latin jazz and related idioms.
Hargrave credits Bay Area DJ and journalist Jesse “Chuy” Varela, who contributed cogent Renegade Queens liner notes, with pressing her to pursue the project after she’d finished her documentary The Last Mambo (which led to original Salsa de la Bahia albums). “He said he’d done a show on women in Latin jazz for Women’s History Month and got such a big response,” she recalls. “He felt there was a real hunger for that. He said, ‘When are you going to do Salsa de la Bahia Vol. 3?’ I had done the background work, but it turned into a much more difficult dive.”

With documentation on the pioneering women of salsa and Latin jazz thin or nonexistent, Hargrave found few recordings with women as leaders recorded before the turn of the century. Renegade Queens captures the accelerating impact of female players on the Bay Area scene with a series of thrilling performances. But more than a deep dive into the archives, Renegade Queens is a present-tense celebration. Both discs open with new music showcasing a brilliant cross-section of women players.

Arranged by Wallace, “We Were Born to Drum” is a surging big band mambo featuring vocals by powerhouse Christelle Durandy singing lyrics by poet supreme Avotcja. Many of the players on the performance are featured throughout the anthology, like saxophonist/flutist Mary Fettig, percussionist Michaelle Goerlitz, and the mother and daughter tandem of vocalist Sandy and vocalist/trombonist Natalie Cressman. Similarly, the second disc opens with “La Mensajera,” a new Wallace salsa number that showcases the instrumental prowess of veteran improvisers such as violinist Sandi Poindexter, tenor saxophonist Jean Fineberg, and trumpeter Marina Garza, who led the talent-packed 1990s all-woman band Orquesta D’Soul.  
The two new tracks also highlight the central role that Wallace has played in producing and championing women artists. Hargrave describes the recording sessions as “a love fest.” So many people wanted to work with Wallace, who mentored generations of musicians. It’s no coincidence that several of the artists featured on Renegade Queens released albums on Wallace’s Patois label. Multi-instrumentalist and Latin jazz expert Roger Glenn, percussionist John Santos and flutist/arranger John Calloway’s names also came up a lot, she says. The Latin jazz Youth Ensemble of San Francisco, La Peña Cultural Center in Berkeley, and Jazz Camp West were also cited as invaluable relationship proving grounds.

Each piece on Renegade Queens opens a window to a extraordinary musical realm. Here are some of the highlights. Vivacious Afro-Colombian vocalist Xiomara Torres is featured on “Me Quedo Contigo” (“I Will Stay With You”), the opening track from her 2022 debut album under her own name, La Voz Del Mar. The richly orchestrated salsa dura arrangement by vibraphonist Dan Neville effectively supports an artist who has drawn international attention to the unique folkloric culture of Colombia’s Pacific coast.
“La Lagrima” (The Tear) is a traditional song from Venezuela’s Caribbean island of Margarita delivered by the singular, Caracas-born vocalist Maria Marquez. Her throaty cello tone caresses the sensuous ballad, which she recorded for her acclaimed 2004 Adventure Music release Princesa De La Naturaleza (Nature’s Princess). The lapidary arrangement features rhythms and percussion instruments from the coast of coast of Venezuela by Venezuelan percussion master Gustavo Ovalles and the cuatro of Jackeline Rago, who’s played a key role introducing Venezuelan rhythms to the Bay Area scene.  
The projects earliest piece is “Cosmo” by The Blazing Redheads, an all-female septet that coalesced at the end of the 1980s with a dance-inducing combination of jazz, funk and Latin beats. Composed and arranged by the dynamic percussionist and trap drummer Michealle Goerlitz, the samba-tinged “Cosmo” came out on 1991’s Crazed Women and features a particularly charged flute solo by Donna Viscuso (who’s performed and recorded widely with Jackeline Rago’s Venezuelan jazz projects).

Some three decades later, the femmeton of La Doña (aka Cecilia Cassandra Peña-Góvea) has earned national attention, including Barack Obama listing her song “Penas con Pan” on his 2023 summer playlist. Many of her recent fans don’t know that she grew up playing rancheras, cumbia, and boleros in her Mexican-American family band La Familia Peña-Govea. In something of a programmatic coup, Renegade Queens features the title track of her much-anticipated 2023 release on her Text Me Records, Can’t Eat Clout. An anthem about overcoming doubters and haters, it’s a piece that resounds far beyond the dance floor. In many ways, La Doña speaks to the challenges faced by all the renegade queens.
“Women in Latin jazz, they’re a community within a community, a genre within a genre,” Wallace says. “These are national artists who’ve stayed true to the craft and art of making music. We included a variety of styles, because that’s the truth of the Bay Area.”

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2025

Pro Arte Musical presenta: Charlie Chaplin’s Smile con Philippe Quint

Pro Arte Musical presenta: Charlie Chaplin’s Smile con Philippe Quint

El espectáculo multimedia honrará el legado musical de Charlie Chaplin quien dejó una marca indeleble en la historia del cine y la música.

San Juan, Puerto Rico | 10 de marzo de 2025– Pro Arte Musical presenta Charlie Chaplin’s Smile con Philippe Quint, un concierto en celebración al legado musical del renombrado cineasta, comediante y compositor, Charles Spencer Chaplin. El evento se llevará a cabo el sábado 22 de marzo de 2025, a las 7:30 p.m., en la Sala Sinfónica Pablo Casals del Centro de Bellas Artes Luis A. Ferré en Santurce.


Philippe Quint, elogiado por su lirismo poético y pasión, se destaca como uno de los violinistas más importantes de Estados Unidos, con múltiples nominaciones a los Premios Grammy por sus grabaciones. 'Quint cautiva al público con su estilo único, sus interpretaciones innovadoras del repertorio clásico y su compromiso con la música contemporánea.

Además de ser un virtuoso del violín, pasó su infancia disfrutando de las películas de Charlie Chaplin, convirtiéndose en un verdadero experto. Hoy en día, se esfuerza por resaltar la obra de Chaplin como compositor, quien, además de ser actor y director, escribió la música para muchas de sus películas', señala Karen Schneck-Malaret, directora ejecutiva de Pro Arte Musical.

Las películas de Charles Spencer Chaplin, creadas a principios del siglo XX, abordaron temas políticos y sociales urgentes -como la pobreza, el desempleo, la desigualdad y la inmigración- que aún resuenan profundamente en la sociedad actual. Chaplin utilizó la música como una herramienta poderosa para evocar emociones en sus películas. Su habilidad para combinar imágenes y melodías ayudó a establecer un nuevo estándar para la música en el cine, haciendo que la banda sonora fuera esencial para la narrativa. Para desarrollar el concepto de este concierto multimedia, Philippe Quint, en colaboración con los arreglistas Charles Coleman y Leon Gurvitch, revisaron docenas de composiciones y bandas sonoras escritas por Chaplin para seleccionar las más adecuadas para violín y piano.

Charlie Chaplin’s Smile con Philippe Quint será un espectáculo musical y visual que transportará a la audiencia a los momentos más emocionantes de la vida de Chaplin, salpicada con obras maestras de Debussy, Gershwin, Stravinsky y Brahms, cuyas composiciones inspiraron los comienzos del cine sonoro. Para nosotros en Pro Arte Musical es un sueño presentar a Philippe Quint en este espectáculo especial que ha viajado el mundo, ahora de estreno en Puerto Rico”, añade Schneck.

Philippe Quint nació el 26 de marzo de 1974 en Leningrado, Rusia. Estudió en la Escuela Especial de Música para Superdotados de Moscú, bajo la tutela del violinista ruso Andrei Korsakov, e hizo su debut orquestal a la corta edad de nueve años. Después de emigrar a los Estados Unidos en 1991, obtuvo su bachillerato y maestría en la Juilliard School, graduándose en 1998. Quint se ha presentado junto a orquestas de renombre mundial, como la London Philharmonic Orchestra, la Chicago Symphony Orchestra, la Los Angeles Philharmonic y la Royal Scottish National Orchestra.

Actualmente, toca el violín 'Ruby' de Antonio Stradivari, de 1708, cedido generosamente por The Stradivari Society®. Vive en Nueva York y es ciudadano estadounidense.


Lo que distingue a Chaplin de muchos otros grandes comediantes, actores y directores de su época es su increíble capacidad de seguir siendo relevante, sin importar cuánto tiempo haya pasado”, afirma Quint. Al describir el estilo musical de Chaplin, lo compara con el de Mozart “en su gracia y encanto, que hablan directamente al corazón. Descubrir la música de Chaplin fue tanto una bendición como quizás el mayor reto que he enfrentado musicalmente. Un vagabundo, un caballero, un poeta, un soñador y un tipo solitario, como él mismo se describió, son fácilmente detectables en sus textos musicales. Mi misión, entonces, fue preservar la exquisita simplicidad de sus conmovedoras melodías”, explica Quint.


Para comprar boletos para Charlie Chaplin’s Smile con Philippe Quint, acceda a la boletería virtual de Ticketera y del Centro de Bellas Artes de Santurce. Para información sobre la Temporada 2024-2025 de Pro Arte Musical y/o conocer más sobre las membresías disponibles, comuníquese al (787) 722-3366 o escriba un correo electrónico a: Visite nuestra página web:


Charlie Chaplin no solo es conocido como un icónico actor y director del cine mudo, sino también como un talentoso compositor. A continuación, algunas curiosidades sobre su faceta musical:


1. Composición de "Smile": Una de las canciones más famosas de Chaplin es "Smile", que se compuso para su película "Modern Times" (1936). La melodía se ha convertido en un estándar, interpretada por numerosos artistas a lo largo de los años.


2. Música y emociones: Chaplin creía que la música era esencial para transmitir emociones en sus películas. Él mismo compuso la música para muchas de sus obras, asegurándose de que la banda sonora complementara la narrativa visual.


3. Premio Oscar: Aunque Chaplin recibió varios premios a lo largo de su carrera, en 1972 recibió un Oscar honorífico por la mejor música original en su película ‘Limeligth’el público lo ovacionó de pie durante 12 minutos, lo que constituye la ovación más larga en la historia de los premios. 

4. Influencias musicales: La música de Chaplin estaba influenciada por su amor por la música clásica y popular de su tiempo; esto se refleja en la variedad de estilos que empleó en sus composiciones.


5. Autodidacta: Chaplin no tuvo una formación formal en música, pero su talento innato y su experiencia en el cine le permitieron crear melodías memorables que perduran hasta hoy.

VIDEO: Charlie Chaplin’s Smile con Philippe Quint: 


Pro Arte Musical es la organización sin fines de lucro de mayor antigüedad dedicada a la promoción y difusión de la música clásica en Puerto Rico. Fundada en 1932, con la renombrada pianista Elisa Tavárez como su primera presidenta, Pro Arte Musical ha dejado una huella indeleble en el desarrollo cultural del país por 93 años, cultivando el gusto por el repertorio clásico y promoviendo el acceso a la música de cámara, la ópera y otros géneros clásicos, a la vez que aporta excelencia al ambiente cultural de Puerto Rico al presentar a virtuosos exponentes del jazz, World music y la danza en las principales salas de concierto. Su misión se extiende a la juventud, al ofrecer programas educativos enfocados en su desarrollo musical y artístico.

DANNY RIVERA dedica concierto a las Madres

 DANNY RIVERA dedica concierto a las Madres

(10 de marzo de 2025, San Juan, Puerto Rico) – El cantautor puertorriqueño Danny Rivera regresa con un concierto especial que rendirá homenaje a todas las madres en su día.

“Quiéreme Mucho” es el título de este espectáculo que el intérprete ofrecerá el sábado 10 de mayo a las 8:00 p.m. en Bellas Artes de Caguas.

¡Qué mejor regalo para todas las madres que un concierto de una de las voces más importantes de Hispanoamérica! Danny Rivera se ha distinguido por cantarle al amor a través de más de seis décadas de carrera musical ininterrumpida. Y esta vez, no es la excepción. Tiene preparado un repertorio lleno de éxitos y clásicos de la canción que han resonado melodiosamente en su voz. “Inolvidable”, “Madrigal”, “Sabrá Dios”, “El Mar y el Cielo”, “Quiéreme Mucho”, “El Bardo”, y muchos otros formarán parte de este recital que tiene como propósito honrar a la mujer más importante de nuestras vidas.

Un grupo de extraordinarios y virtuosos músicos puertorriqueños acompañará al intérprete esa noche. La dirección musical estará a cargo del guitarrista y cuatrista Carlos “Pachito” Vega.

Como invitados especiales estarán la cantante yaucana Mónica Plácido y el joven estudiante del Conservatorio de Música de Puerto Rico, Michael Alexis Matos. Además, contará con la participación del afamado requintista mexicano Fernando Flores.

“Regreso a rendir homenaje a las madres con un concierto lleno de canciones inolvidables. Los invito a cantarle a ese ser especial y a disfrutar de una noche maravillosa”, expresa El Bardo de Borinquen, Danny Rivera.

Los boletos para “Quiéreme Mucho” Danny Rivera, El Bardo ya están a la venta en La producción está a cargo de Single Star Productions Corp.


Video Danny Rivera en Vivo “Madrigal”

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2025

Inolvidable Tributo a Paco de Lucía por el Barcelona Guitar & Dance

Inolvidable Tributo a Paco de Lucía por el Barcelona Guitar & Dance 

Por Wilbert Sostre Maldonado.

Todas las fotos por Félix Guayciba © Guayciba 

En el año 1986 comencé a tomar clases de guitarra, mayormente inspirado por los guitarristas de rock de los 70's y 80's. 1986 también fue mi año de transición de escuela superior a la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Fue entonces que descubrí que había mucho más en la música que el rock. Y uno de los primeros músicos que capturó mi atención fuera de la escena del rock, fue Paco de Lucia. Recuerdo que dos de mis grabaciones favoritas eran "Passion, Grace & Fire" y "Friday Night in San Francisco" de John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola y Paco de Lucia. 

En el 2012 tuve la oportunidad de ver a Paco de Lucía en el Puerto Rico Jazz Fest. El pasado sábado 1 de marzo 2025, luego de trece años de ese festival, y a once años del fallecimiento de Paco de Lucía regresé al teatro de mi Alma Mater, la Universidad de Puerto Rico, para ser testigo de un extraordinario tributo a este gigante de la música.

   Foto por © Guayciba

En una producción de Pro Arte Musical, el Barcelona Guitar Trio & Dance fueron los responsables de este merecido homenaje al Maestro del Flamenco y la Guitarra, Francisco Sánchez Gómez "Paco de Lucía". Siendo un trío de guitarristas ( Xavier Coll, Ali Arango y Luis Robisco), el evento prometía ser un viaje sonoro a esas legendarias grabaciones de Paco de Lucía junto a John Mclaughlin y Al DiMeola. 

Sin embargo, por problemas de visado, el guitarrista Ali Arango no pudo llegar a Puerto Rico. Este y otros inconvenientes (el equipaje de los músicos tampoco llegó a Puerto Rico) no fueron impedimento para que el público disfrutara de un espectáculo de excelencia musical.

Ante casa llena y ahora pasando a ser el Barcelona Guitar Duo & Dance, Xavier Coll en la guitarra, Luis Robisco en la guitarra, Lucas Balbo con un excelente trabajo en la percusión y los bailaores, José Manuel Álvarez y Carolina Mordago abren el concierto con una exquisita interpretación del tango de Astor Piazzolla "Libertango". De inmediato los bailaores Álvarez y Mordago, impresionan al público con su pasión y deslumbrante técnica en el tablao.

   Foto por © Guayciba

Los guitarristas Xavier Coll y Luis Robisco demostraron su depurada técnica y virtuosismo en un repertorio mayormente de temas que en algún momento fueron interpretados por Paco de Lucía; "Spain" del pianista Chick Corea, "Danza del Molinero" y "Danza del Fuego" de Manuel de Falla, y los temas originales de Paco "Canción de Amor", "Zyryab", y "Mediterranean Dance", esta última grabada junto a Al DiMeola.

El buen sentido del humor también estuvo presente en el momento que el guitarrista Xavier Coll intentaba presentar un tema, y era constantemente interrumpido por la guitarra de su compañero Luis Robisco, para luego pasar a tocar ambos, fragmentos de los temas "Mission Impossible" y la canción de Deep Purple "Smoke on the Water". Finalmente Xavier Coll logra presentar "Las Canciones de García Lorca", acompañados nuevamente por la fuerza y majestuosidad de los bailaores José Manuel Álvarez y Carolina Mordago.

   Foto por © Guayciba

Luego de una merecida ovación, el Barcelona Guitar & Dance regresa al escenario, primero con otro momento de buen humor, Xavier Coll, Luis Robisco y Lucas Balbo tocando el tema de Michael Jackson "Billie Jean", todos en una sola guitarra. 

Barcelona Guitar & Dance culminó esta inolvidable noche y tributo a Paco de Lucía con su clásica composición "Entre Dos Aguas".

viernes, 21 de febrero de 2025

Pro Arte Musical presenta Barcelona Guitar Trio & Dance Homenaje a Paco de Lucía

Barcelona Guitar Trio & Dance Homenaje a Paco de Lucía

El espectáculo de flamenco promete una mezcla vibrante de virtuosismo, belleza, baile y humor.

San Juan, Puerto Rico | 21 de febrero de 2025 – Pro Arte Musical presenta por primera vez en Puerto Rico al grupo de guitarra clásica y flamenco Barcelona Guitar Trio & Dance en un homenaje a Paco de Lucía, el sábado 1 de marzo de 2025, a las 7:30 p.m., en el Teatro de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras.

El Barcelona Guitar Trio, compuesto por los virtuosos guitarristas Alí Arango, Xavier Coll y Luis Robisco, se unirá al talentoso percusionista Lucas Balbo y a la brillante pareja de bailaores José Manuel Álvarez y Carolina Morgado, para ofrecer un espectáculo que fusiona la guitarra española con los sonidos del flamenco.


El grupo ha realizado presentaciones en más de 30 países, destacándose en diversas ciudades y escenarios internacionales. Su enfoque en la fusión de la guitarra española con el flamenco y otros géneros musicales les ha permitido llevar su arte a un público amplio y diverso a nivel global.

“Se dice que en el flamenco hay un duende cuando vibra el virtuosismo en la guitarra. La magia del duende es un estado de emoción y autenticidad que conecta profundamente con el público y que permite a algunos artistas convertirse en la expresión viva del flamenco. Con este espectáculo en homenaje a Paco de Lucía, el Barcelona Guitar Trio buscará provocar esa magia, ofreciendo una experiencia maravillosa de virtuosismo. Definitivamente, algo mágico sucederá al sonar de las cuerdas flamencas en el Teatro de la UPR.”, expresa Karen Schneck Malaret, directora ejecutiva de Pro Arte Musical.

La propuesta del Barcelona Guitar Trio es una celebración de la fusión entre la guitarra clásica y los ritmos flamencos, interpretando no solo las emblemáticas composiciones de Paco de Lucía, como “Entre dos aguas” y “Mediterranean Sundance - Río Ancho”, sino también obras de grandes maestros como Manuel de Falla y Chick Corea.

Paco de Lucía, destacado músico y compositor español fue preciado como el mejor guitarrista de flamenco y uno de los más virtuoso del instrumento a nivel mundial. Considerado una de las principales figuras del flamenco moderno hasta su fallecimiento en 2014, se le atribuye la responsabilidad de la reforma que llevó este arte a la escena musical internacional, gracias a la inclusión de nuevos ritmos como el jazz, la bossa nova y la música clásica.

Para boletos al Homenaje a Paco de Lucía del Barcelona Guitar Trio & Dance, acceda a la boletería virtual de Ticketera. Para información sobre la Temporada 2025 de Pro Arte Musical y/o conocer más sobre las membresías disponibles, comuníquese al (787) 722-3366 o escriba un correo electrónico a: Visite nuestra página web:

¿Quiénes son los Barcelona Guitar Trio? 

Xavier Coll es un guitarrista clásico con ecléctica vocación que destaca por su virtuosismo asociado con una profunda sensibilidad musical. Su actividad como concertista le lleva a actuar regularmente en América, Europa y el lejano Oriente, habiendo realizado conciertos en más de 30 países, algunos de ellos con el Barcelona Guitar Trio, del que es miembro fundador. Desarrolla su labor como docente en la Escola Superior de Música de Cataluña (ESMUC).

Alí Arango es uno de los guitarristas más destacados de su generación. Con un virtuosismo al servicio de la musicalidad y una mezcla equilibrada de sutileza y fuerza expresiva, ha conquistado todo tipo de público y jurados. Ha ganado 23 premios internacionales, considerados entre los más importantes del mundo, como, por ejemplo, el premio Francisco Tárrega (Benicássim), Andrés Segovia (La Herradura) o Alhambra (Valencia).

Luis Robisco es un guitarrista ecléctico, virtuoso en la flamenca y la clásica por igual. En su vertiente más clásica consigue un sonido cálido, delicado y una interpretación singular. En su vertiente flamenca, consigue transmitir fuerza, carácter y emoción gracias a una técnica depurada y una extraordinaria sensibilidad. Su faceta de compositor, productor, arreglista y director musical ha sido requerida por una lista considerable de artistas internacionales como Alan Parsons, Paul Carrack, Carlos Núñez, Joan Manel Serrat, Il Divo, y un largo etc.

Lucas Balbo, percusionista, se mueve con la misma facilidad entre el flamenco, el folclore afrolatino, la música árabe o el jazz; cosa que lo ha llevado a tocar por una gran cantidad de países del mundo.

José Manuel Álvarez, bailaor, es director de la compañía que lleva su nombre y del espacio de formación dirigido a profesionales ¡La Capitana! Espacio Flamenco. Con más de 15 años de trayectoria profesional trabajando en compañías de danza como coreógrafo e intérprete, ha viajado por todo el mundo actuando en los mejores festivales de flamenco. Se especializa en el baile flamenco desde una perspectiva amplia del lenguaje del movimiento.

Carolina Morgado es bailaora especializada en danza española y flamenca, y formó parte de la compañía de Joaquín Cortés. Ha actuado en países como Alemania, Corea del Sur, Italia, Colombia, Suecia y Estados Unidos, entre otros. Carolina es profesora activa, bailarina y coreógrafa.

CITA: “La guitarra me ha ofrecido la capacidad de poder expresarme con el resto del mundo sin utilizar la palabra.” -Paco de Lucía, músico, compositor y guitarrista español (1947-2024).


Pro Arte Musical es la organización sin fines de lucro de mayor antigüedad dedicada a la promoción y difusión de la música clásica en Puerto Rico. Fundada en 1932, con la renombrada pianista Elisa Tavárez como su primera presidenta, Pro Arte Musical ha dejado una huella indeleble en el desarrollo cultural del país por 93 años, cultivando el gusto por el repertorio clásico y promoviendo el acceso a la música de cámara, la ópera y otros géneros clásicos, a la vez que aporta excelencia al ambiente cultural de Puerto Rico al presentar a virtuosos exponentes del jazz, World Music y la danza en las principales salas de concierto. Su misión se extiende a la juventud, al ofrecer programas educativos enfocados en su desarrollo musical y artístico.

sábado, 15 de febrero de 2025



Legendary Trumpeter is Heard at His Ferocious Peak at Sylvia Robinson’s Bronx Club with an All-Star Combo Featuring Bennie Maupin, Kenny Barron, Herbie Lewis, and Freddie Waits

Deluxe Package, Also Available on CD on April 18, Includes New Interviews with Maupin and Barron, Notes by Jazz Authority John Koenig, Appreciations and Interviews with Charles Tolliver, Eddie Henderson, Steven Bernstein, Jeremy Pelt and More

Trumpet master Freddie Hubbard is heard at the apex of his early brilliance in the newly unearthed collection On Fire: Live from the Blue Morocco, which arrives on April 12 as an exclusive, limited three-LP Record Store Day release from Resonance Records.

Remastered from the original tapes by Matthew Lutthans, with the LPs mastered by Bernie Grundman and pressed at Le Vinylist, the previously unreleased set was captured by recording engineer Bernard Drayton in 1967 at the Blue Morocco, a jazz spot located in the New York borough of the Bronx and operated by Sylvia Robinson, later a co-founder of Sugar Hill Records. The collection was produced with the full endorsement of the trumpeter’s son and estate representative Duane Hubbard.

Hubbard’s work with Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers, his appearances on historic recordings by John Coltrane and Ornette Coleman, and his own brilliant recordings as a leader for Blue Note and Impulse! Records led contemporary observers to hail him as the masterful successor to the late Clifford Brown. He is heard on the new release playing a storming set of his own compositions and a pair of smartly arranged standards. Hubbard is backed by his working group of the day, a skilled unit that included saxophonist Bennie Maupin, pianist Kenny Barron, bassist Herbie Lewis, and drummer Freddie Waits.
The package — which will also be issued as a two-CD set on April 18 — is co-produced by Bernard Drayton, his celebrated son and drummer Charley Drayton, and Zev Feldman, the award-winning “Jazz Detective” and co-president of Resonance Records. It includes an introductory essay by jazz scholar John Koenig; new interviews by Feldman with Maupin and Barron; and interviews and appreciations by trumpeters Charles Tolliver, Eddie Henderson, Steven Bernstein, and Jeremy Pelt; and more.

Feldman says, “This album captures Freddie Hubbard at an important point in his career. He had come fully into his own and was forging for himself an honored place in the pantheon of the world’s greatest jazz trumpet players. These live recordings represent Freddie at the height of his powers. The band on these recordings was Freddie's working group at the time, and they certainly rose to his level.”
“We were excited about Freddie Hubbard coming to the Blue Morocco,” says Drayton, who also captured the previously unreleased recording of Kenny Dorham at the club that is being released for RSD by Resonance. “By 1967, when this album was recorded, Freddie was laying his claim, as Dizzy Gillespie put it, as the greatest trumpet player in the world. Freddie was a dynamo, full of energy and full of pepper. As you can hear, he was on fire. I’m proud to have documented this page in the annals of Freddie's career.”

Duane Hubbard adds, “My dad, to me and millions of fans, was one of the greatest trumpet players in history. He came to New York from Indianapolis with the drive to be great. In New York, he worked with the top musicians of the time. He took every gig, and he practiced so much and worked so hard that with his natural gifts he rose to be one of the greatest jazz musicians of his, or any, generation.”
“As the performances on this album show,” Koenig writes, “it’s easy to see the qualities that allowed Freddie to make his way into the rarefied milieu of the jazz elite as an instrumentalist. But with this recording, we also have a view of Freddie coming fully into his own as a bandleader. These tracks have never before been heard publicly. They show Freddie in action in a live setting with what was his first regular working band.”

Hubbard’s gifted sidemen of the day testify that playing alongside Hubbard at the top of his game was a thrilling experience.
“Playing with Freddie was very, very intense,” Maupin says. “It was really exciting for me to be able to be a part of the group and be doing these things with him. It was a lot of fun, just great musical fun. For me, playing with someone who had been working with people like Art Blakey, who had that kind of incredible experience, I realized what I needed to do just to keep up with him: I had to really practice a lot. It inspired me to really up my game.”

                  © Tom Copi

“Musically, playing with Freddie was always great,” says Barron. “Always. And what was great about that band on this record is that with Freddie, we could play all kinds of music. By that, I mean, in one piece, we would go from straight-ahead to avant-garde and switch on a dime, change on a dime. Freddie was always the instigator. If you listened to him, you could tell where he wanted to go and we would just go there with him. It was a great band. I loved playing with them.”
Hubbard’s formidable legacy as a trumpeter has served as an example for his successors on the instrument.
“Hub was one of my trumpet heroes in my youth,” Tolliver says. “Initially coming out of Brownie, by slightly modifying an already great embouchure, he was able physically to fashion and create the style he was aiming for — to execute and muscle the trumpet in a saxophone-like pianistic manner resulting in incredible improvisational feats and solos never heard before, while at the same time delivering a big, sassy, warm, brass sound without ever sacrificing those crucial inherent elements of our art form — swing, the blues, and pure sophistication.”

Henderson recalls, “Freddie dominated the trumpet scene in the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s. He was without a doubt the top of the hill — his trumpet expertise and prowess, his execution and facility, his range. And his compositions were so challenging, over and above what was coming out of the bebop era. They were very difficult harmonically to maneuver through.”
In an enthusiastic outburst, Bernstein says, “This recording is insane! It’s one of the most exciting live documents I’ve ever heard in my life. It’s f!cking mind-blowing. Freddie’s on fire. It's just so damn good.”
Resonance Records is a multi-GRAMMY® Award-winning label (most recently for John Coltrane’s Offering: Live at Temple University for "Best Album Notes") that prides itself in creating beautifully designed, informative packaging to accompany previously unreleased recordings by the jazz icons who grace Resonance's catalog. Headquartered in Beverly Hills, CA, Resonance Records is a division of Rising Jazz Stars, Inc. a California 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation created to discover the next jazz stars and advance the cause of jazz. Current Resonance Artists include Tawanda, Eddie Daniels, Tamir Hendelman, Christian Howes and Donald Vega.




Deluxe Package Includes Notes by Grammy Winner Bob Blumenthal, An Appreciation by Dan Morgenstern, Observations from Fellow Trumpeters Charles Tolliver, Eddie Henderson, Steven Bernstein, and Jeremy Pelt, and More

Limited April 12 Vinyl Release Will Be Succeeded by Deluxe CD Edition on April 18


Blue Bossa in the Bronx: Live from the Blue Morocco, a never-before-heard live performance from master hard bop trumpeter Kenny Dorham, will be released as a two-LP set by Resonance Records for Record Store Day (April 12, 2025).

The collection has been transferred from the original tape reels, mastered by Fran Gala at Resonance Records Studio, and pressed on 180-gram vinyl at 33-1/3 rpm at Le Vinylist as a limited-edition package.
The storming all-star club date will be issued as a deluxe CD on April 18.
Both LP and CD editions include notes by two-time Grammy winner Bob Blumenthal; a Dorham appreciation by Dan Morgenstern, the late director of Rutgers University’s Institute of Jazz Studies and National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Master; remembrances from trumpeters Eddie Henderson, Charles Tolliver, Steven Bernstein, and Jeremy Pelt; and more.
The collection was recorded by Bernard Drayton in 1967 at the titular New York venue, a local bar at Boston Road and 168th Street that was operated by Sylvia Robinson (previously in the hit-making duo Mickey and Sylvia) and her husband Joe; the couple went on to found the groundbreaking rap label Sugar Hill Records.

Blue Bossa in the Bronx features a hard-hitting band comprising alto saxophonist Sonny Red, pianist Cedar Walton, bassist Paul Chambers, and drummer Denis Charles. It leads off with Dorham’s best-known composition, “Blue Bossa,” first heard on Page One, tenor saxophonist and longtime bandmate Joe Henderson’s 1963 debut as a leader. The repertoire also includes an untitled blues by Dorham, numbers originated by Charlie Parker, Milt Jackson, and Miles Davis, and the standards “Memories of You” and “My One and Only Love.”
The award-winning producer and Resonance co-president Zev Feldman says of his latest archival find, “As I write this in 2024, the jazz world is marking the centenary of Kenny Dorham’s birth. I hope this recording will further cement his stature as a major figure during an important period in the development of modern jazz.”
In his notes, Blumenthal eloquently measures Dorham’s towering stature in jazz history, situating him among the music’s greats: “Underrated. Deserving of wider recognition. Musicians' musician. In Art Blakey's memorable phrase, ‘the uncrowned king.’ These were the labels that Kenny Dorham carried throughout his career and that continue to linger over his legacy. A vital presence in jazz for over a quarter century and a valued collaborator with most of the period's creative forces, he never won a poll or acquired enough star power to sustain a working band or become a commercial draw.

“Part of the problem,” he continues, “was Dorham's fate to succeed more charismatic figures in historic groups. He followed both Dizzy Gillespie and Fats Navarro, whom he considered ‘the two most outstanding trumpet players in jazz history, if not trumpet history,’ when he became the featured soloist in Billy Eckstine's orchestra. He became Charlie Parker's front-line partner after Miles Davis left. He succeeded Clifford Brown, whom he characterized as ‘the youngest player in trumpet history to achieve musical maturity,’ not once but twice — first in the Art Blakey/Horace Silver unit that became the Jazz Messengers and then, after Brown's death, in the Max Roach band.”

Kenny Dorham. © Raymond Ross Archives / CTSIMAGES

In one of the last interviews he gave before his death at 94 in September 2024, Morgenstern said, “Kenny’s legacy is in his recordings. And there’s a lot of great stuff. I think there are very few recordings by Kenny that are not worth listening to. And he was a good partner on the front line. He was a good partner to his saxophonists. He was different from many of the musicians who were contemporary with him, trumpet players. He was more thoughtful and he was more melodic. And he had a great sound. I was very fond of him. To sum it up, Kenny was one of my favorite modern trumpeters.”
A chorus of great trumpeters testify to Dorham’s enduring influence.
“From hearing Kenny's first note, I realized that he had a very distinctive sound, to say nothing of the melodic flow he had,” Henderson says. "It was so lyrical. His sound stood out from all the other trumpet players. Each of my heroes — Clifford Brown, Fats Navarro, Lee Morgan, Freddie Hubbard, they all had the sound, but Kenny could hit just one note, bingo — you knew it was him. Miles Davis had his sound, but Kenny was one of the heavyweights of that generation.”
Tolliver recalls, “Having broken in in 1964, by 1967 I had met and/or played with all the supporting participants of KD on these recordings.  Birks, of course, sits at the throne, but KD was also one of my trumpet heroes in my youth. Though somewhat coming out of Birks/Fats, KD crafted and possessed a style and delivery inimitable to all other trumpeters before or after — tone, attack, theory, execution, ‘turnarounds.’”

“The thing about Kenny Dorham,” says Bernstein, “is that you could tell it was him in one note. And that’s hard to do on the trumpet. The trumpet’s a difficult instrument to play in general. People of Kenny Dorham's era and before played in big bands, so you had to be able to blend with other big-band players. You were required to have a certain kind of sound that matched the big band. Kenny was one of the first guys who had a sound not like that. His sound was so unique that you could hear one note and you knew, ‘Well, that’s Kenny Dorham.’ He also had what people used to call turnbacks; they call them turnarounds now. Turnarounds are a way to get from one chord to another chord and Kenny had a really singular way of doing turnarounds.”

Pelt enthuses, “Kenny Dorham had an obvious knack for melody. He displayed a keen melodic focus in his playing, which was also quite lyrical. His harmonic sense was what we call slick. He was playing inside of the harmony. It's a distinctive thing with Kenny — the way he plays inside the chord. I don't mean slick in a bad way. It's slick in like wow!”

Recordist Drayton says of the special qualities of his newly unearthed tapes, “When this show was recorded, Kenny was so highly regarded among musicians that even though he didn't have a regular band, he was always able to get the best musicians available to play with him. The performances that night were right there. The vibe was just one of those KD vibes. For a guy who wasn't able to play on a regular basis owing to his health issues, he was on fire and so was the band. As I said, it was a dream fulfilled for me.”
Resonance Records is a multi-GRAMMY® Award-winning label (most recently for John Coltrane’s Offering: Live at Temple University for "Best Album Notes") that prides itself in creating beautifully designed, informative packaging to accompany previously unreleased recordings by the jazz icons who grace Resonance's catalog. Headquartered in Beverly Hills, CA, Resonance Records is a division of Rising Jazz Stars, Inc. a California 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation created to discover the next jazz stars and advance the cause of jazz. Current Resonance Artists include Tawanda, Eddie Daniels, Tamir Hendelman, Christian Howes and Donald Vega.